Cashflow Quadrant : The Difference Between Business Type S and Business Type B
Everyone has a different personality, so is everyone's way of earning money. Then how to know each of the characteristics in the cash flow quadrant? Let's look at some of the differences between characteristics in business type S and business type B. One way that can be done to make money is to start your own business. Many people choose type B (business owner) or type S (casual worker). Each has its own advantages and disadvantages and none can be judged better than others. Through this article, My Finances will explain some of the differences between business type S and type B to deepen your understanding in cash flow quadrant . System Differences One significant difference between business types S and B is on the system. Individual B can leave their business for a year and may find his business has grown rapidly when he returns, but not for individual S. Individual S is the system itself, so if he leaves his business for a year, chances are that the business has...