10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

For those of you who have entered the world of work, of course, you have started to adapt to your work.

In addition, you also need to be familiar with the various routines and also work overtime that sometimes you have to do if the job has not been completed.

Of course, your struggle is not over here.

If in your office implements a career path system, this is an opportunity for you to have a better work experience and also certainly offset by better revenue.

This is not an easy journey.

You certainly need to have performance and professionalism that are increasingly shown so that your boss looks at your performance.

If you find that you have a certain qualification, then your boss will put you in the list of prospective employees who will get a promotion.

10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

Want to get a promotion soon?

Let's do the following 10 tips to make your dreams come true and the promotion you get.

# 1 Come to Office Early and Go Home Late

10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

Coming to work early should be your routine habit.

Familiarize yourself for discipline in terms of your timeliness. Especially if you want to get a promotion, you should come at least 15 minutes before office hours.

In addition, take a little time also when the hours back home.

Your boss will certainly see every employee who has the discipline and also the craft in the office. Let your boss always see your discipline in the office.

# 2 Customize your Appearance

Appearance is the outward appearance that is often the initial judgment of a person. Likewise, your boss will not judge you directly from the results of your performance.

Make a good judgment through your impressive appearance in front of your boss.

Thus, you will be remembered by him in view of so many employees in the office.

# 3 Express Your Brilliant Idea

10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

The active contribution of each employee usually becomes more valuable than the boss.

When meeting or meeting, try you actively participate in providing brilliant ideas that can contribute positively to the progress of the company.

Do not be reluctant to say any of your ideas, who knows your idea can be implemented and not thought of by others.

If your idea is not accepted by the forum, do not be discouraged. Keep positive thinking and always give your active and positive contribution.

# 4 Have Organized Habits Work

A well-organized schedule will make it easier for you to work more optimally.

In addition, any work that is considered trivial but important also not missed because you always record it on the list of "To Do List".

Do not let your work is neglected and some even missed so as to make your performance in front of superiors to be a mess.

Make a good judgment of your well-organized performance results.

Small notes that you can paste on the table about any work you have and have not yet completed can help you.

Do not underestimate trivial matters because if you missed, trivial things that might determine the future of your work or can make you get promoted positions.

# 5 Do not Be Reluctant to Offer Help If your Work is Completed

10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

With organized work habits, will certainly help you to complete the work more effectively and faster.

If you feel that your work is done and you still have an empty time in the office, it helps you to offer help to colleagues who need a little help.

Of course, you have to make sure that you have actually completed your tasks and responsibilities that have deadlines in the near future. Do not let your own work dormant.

Having cared for colleagues can also build a good atmosphere in the office.

Who knows when you're having trouble, you can also receive help from other colleagues of your office.

# 6 Working Consistently

Try to always do your work and responsibilities related to office affairs.

Do not let you do anything else that is unrelated to the office affairs and the event is seen by your boss.

Of course, your dream to get promotions will disappear.

Do you want it?

Work consistently every day and show professionalism and passion to work diligently.

# 7 Show Positive Body Language

Body language is a way of communicating non-verbally. Every movement of one's body represents one's performance as well.

Show positive body language, for example by always smiling and greeting warmly to others, gazing enthusiastically for every task given and walking steadily.

Make sure others are positive with yourself through positive body language.

# 8 Learn from Mistakes

10 Tips to Become a Position Promotion Candidate

Everyone must have made a mistake, including your bosses.

When you make a mistake, do not immediately judge yourself. This will even make you more discouraged.

Ask for feedback and also take positive things from any criticism you receive.

Rise from failure and have the attitude to correct every mistake by doing the best you can.

# 9 Working Honestly and Belonging to High Integrity

Honesty is an expensive treasure that is not hard to find. Many people who are capable, smart, have brilliant thoughts but without honesty, nobody believes.

Integrity also needs to be possessed if you want to get a promotion. Have principles to fight for what is right even though many challenges are facing.

Here is where your persistence will be tested.

# 10 Being a Trustable Person

When getting the job from the boss, try to get it done as required. In addition, finish also in accordance with the specified deadline.

Your boss will judge you more if you are able to complete the task in a faster time and of course with the accuracy of the work as well.

Competing Positively

Promotion positions become the target of many people, not only you but also other colleagues.

Compete in a positive way even though many people do it in a negative way.

Satisfaction will get the promotion you will feel if you do it in a clean way.

Do any of the above tips and experience your own experience in getting promotions and salary increases.


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