7 Tips To Be A Successful Property Investor

7 Tips To Be A Successful Property Investor

Realize that whatever your work, you also need to be an investor. You have to get up in the morning telling yourself, "I am an investor. I built financial health. Today is the day I can find opportunities and make deals. "

The above quote was made by Gary Keller, an entrepreneur and founder of Keller Williams Realty International, the world's largest real estate company.

Property investment can be profitable as long as you understand the strategy in running it.

Well, often investors who jump in this sector just simply follow-up just because the benefits of this investment is very tempting.

Everyone has their own experience in running a property business. Convince yourself that you are able to succeed through your property business and do the following 7 success tips.

# 1 Do It Based on Your Vision, Not Based on Assumptions

7 Tips To Be A Successful Property Investor

Assumptions often lead to an error, whether it be the assumption of a broker, developer, seller or other assumptions. The assumption needs to be verified. It needs to be verified in front of our eyes and our own heads.

The assumption comes from the word "assume" which means to think, to think or to expect. All that meaning is uncertain. Did you know that if you as an investor, you must have high confidence in all your investment assets.

# 2 Define Target (Business Plan)

Every investor is required to have a good business plan. For those of you novice investors, plan your targets for a certain period of time.

For example, suppose you have a target to get a $ 5 million hot deal asset in the first year. Adjust the target with your ability to pay the mortgage. After that, in the second year, increase to $10 million, and so on.

You can use the following ways in an effort to realize your goals.

For example, suppose you have a target of Rp10 billion within 10 years. Write the target and paste it in places that are always visible when we are at home or at work.

That way will trigger the spirit and remind us to always focus on our goals.

# 3 Create a Good Time Management

7 Tips To Be A Successful Property Investor

Are you one of those who is dragged into the culture of the sky? Almost all American were late and affected.

As a successful property investor, you should be able to divide the time, when you should deal with the bank, when to find new assets, when to manage assets and so forth.

The experience of investors says that, if you've got one transaction, looking for a new asset will be an exciting adventure. Bottom line, do not forget the time!

# 4 Do Financial Management / Costs Strictly

Many successful property investors are getting hot deals, but also many of those who later regret endlessly. Debt accumulates, bad debts and assets disappear.

Did you know the main cause?

The main cause is poor financial management.

It's no secret that most of us do not have good financial management, especially personal and family financial management. If you want to be a successful property investor, the condition must be addressed.

For example, if you get cash back and positive cash flow, then you should set it all up for your priority needs. Prioritize payment of transaction costs (maybe you get a loan from KTA or credit card), installment payments and so forth.

Do not use the money for fun or consumptive needs!

# 5 Perform Wise Capital Management

7 Tips To Be A Successful Property Investor

Because sometimes you get cash back (ideally every transaction gives cash back), the management of this more money should be done wisely.

If you can afford to use it for capital gain (for example for down payment of the next transaction or to be played in business), you will become a successful investor. However, if used for other things that have nothing to do with investment, the results will obviously be different.

# 6 Use Logic instead of Emotion

In transacting property, you should not involve emotions. You must carefully calculate cash flow, cash back, monthly installment and so forth.

If the emotions begin to take over, the liking of the property will become dominant. As a result, money is not a consideration. In fact, investors should spend as little as possible to get as much profit as possible.

Warren Buffet once said that an investor should not even lose a penny.

# 7 Start Now

Stop thinking and taking things seriously. The "smart" person is usually too much consideration and analysis making it difficult to start.

Immediately go through the process and rest assured that you are a successful property investor.

Learn from Successful Property Investors

Learning from an expert is always faster and cheaper than learning from your own experience. For that, invest your money and time to study with property experts. This is done to check whether your strategy is correct or not.

Therefore, if you are serious about owning an incredible property portfolio, make sure you are surrounded by reliable teams such as accountants, financial planners, property watchers, developers, contractors and even property agents. Do not forget also to keep your friendly relationship with the bank.


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