Credit Card: How to Use the Right vs. The Wrong Way to Use

 Credit Card: How to Use the Right vs. The Wrong Way to Use

Before deciding to make a submission, it helps you know first how to use it properly so you do not get caught up in financial problems that will complicate you in the future.
Here are some ways you can make the use of your credit card can be used properly and as well as possible.

# 1 Pay Attention to Your Credit Card Usage

 Credit Card: How to Use the Right vs. The Wrong Way to Use

We recommend that you use it as much as you can afford. Pay attention to your credit card usage and use up to a maximum of only 30% of your limit.

# 2 Make Considerations Before Using Large Purchases

If you are planning to buy something with a fairly high nominal, try to reconsider and do not rush to make a decision. You can take a thinking time of at least one day to see if you really need the purchase or just want it.

# 3 Revisit your Bill

Though rare, always review your bill for a month and check that your time and the purchase amount is what you did. If there is a transaction you do not know, immediately confirm to your credit card provider bank.

# 4 Confirm Delay of Your Payment

If for some reason you can not make your credit card bill payment on time, please confirm your delay soon. If you've been a good customer and always pay on time, maybe the bank reduces or does not even charge you a late fee.

# 5 Negotiate your Annual Fee

Annual Fees are fees charged to you every one year of your credit card usage. Before the annual fee is set, you can try to negotiate with the provider. While not everyone can get the annual fee waivers, but the chances of getting it can be even greater if you are a good and timely consumer.

# 6 Take advantage of the Bonus you get

Some credit cards give you points and bonuses that you can get from each transaction. This bonus can be cashback for the transaction you make, discount, or points you get from each transaction. Pay attention to expiration and expiration of the bonuses you get and use the bonus before it expires.

How To Use A Credit Card In A Wrong Way

 Credit Card: How to Use the Right vs. The Wrong Way to Use

In addition to the correct use of credit cards, you also have to pay attention to how the wrong use.

# 1 Making Credit Card Application More Than One

While it sounds efficient, filing more than one will make it difficult for you and give you unfavorable financial records. Therefore, make sure you only make one submission at a time.

# 2 Late Paying Billing

Late paying your bills is a bad thing and will only hurt you. When you are late paying the bill, you will be fined or late fees, as well as giving a negative note on your financial records. Make sure you're not too late paying bills by setting reminders or by asking the bank so you can set your own bill payment deadline.

# 3 Not Paying off Your Charge

Although there is a minimum payment limit and you can pay only the minimum payment limit that you have set, but never do so. By paying only a portion of the bill, you will be left with another part in your bill next month. In general, banks will charge additional expenses on unpaid charges. If allowed to go away, this number will get bigger and will make it more difficult for you.

# 4 Exceed Your Credit Card Limit

Paying only the minimum amount of payments will make your interest accumulate. This condition can get worse if you continue to use it as usual. In some time, your bill will be greater than your credit card limit and this condition is not a condition you would want.

# 5 Purchase Something You Cannot Pay

Although it gives you access to a higher lifestyle, do not be tempted to use it to buy something that will trouble you later. Buy something above your ability, although it may be done with a credit card, it will make it hard for you to pay your bills later.

# 6 Using Credit Cards for Daily Needs

Do not be tempted by the discount offer given for your credit card use. Because, using it almost every day, makes your bills increase quickly. Use it wisely and use your cash or debit card for most of your transactions.

# 7 Has Some Unused Credit Cards

If you have some credit cards that you rarely or never use, we recommend you start closing some credit cards you do not use. Even though your credit card is rarely used, the annual fee charged to you will still have to be paid. Therefore, it would be wise if you close a credit card that is not very beneficial to you.

Apply Credit Card Usage Properly

Many advantages and benefits are offered by credit card providers. However, in line with that, there are many shortcomings and weaknesses of credit card usage. Make your credit card usage correctly. Do not let the credit card bring disaster to you.


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