10 Tips From Robert Kiyosaki Toward Success in Financial Freedom

want to experience the success of life in financial freedom? Do the following tips presented to achieve Financial Freedom according to Robert Kiyosaki.

You are an ATM Machine

Did you know that you are a moneymaking machine or just call a running ATM machine that can make money every time? However, there are times when you will stop working either because of factors from yourself that can not work or because of the work environment itself so you have to find another job to make money, of course, within the timeframe of the job search new, you are not generating revenue. When the money-printing machine stops, money will not be generated. Likewise your current situation.
The good news, with your ability to make money, you can feel a life that does not need to work, but you still earn money. That's the picture of a financially free life. Of course, a financially free life is the dream of most people. A life where you do not have to feel the difficulty in the need for money even if you are in a state of crisis though. This financial freedom is of course derived from passive income.

Through the rubric this time, you do not need to find a teacher to be able to give you tips to become a person who can enjoy a financially free life because Robert Kiyosaki, expert from successful entrepreneurs who already feel a financially free life will give some tips for You.

# 1 Take Control of Spending

You need to think over and over again to execute each of your expenses, especially for some consumptive things. Today, we live in an era that can make our desire to spend our money on a larger consumptive basis. Self-control of consumptive spending can affect your financial balance in the future. Familiarize yourself to think positively and wisely in managing your spending and spending patterns. It sure feels a bit difficult at the beginning you do it, especially when you're used to a consumptive lifestyle. However, when there is a positive intention for your better future, then you will continue to be motivated to do so. Encourage yourself to continue thinking in the long run.

# 2 Take Full Responsibility

Each person has the same relative desire and opportunity to determine his or her future. Take full responsibility for every opportunity you have to take and any decisions about the things you need to buy or sell. Your current decision affects your financial life in the future.

# 3 Make a Budget Spending - IMPORTANT!

A monthly spending budget is used to control and even limit your spending. This allows you to be able to keep you introspective and not to strive to exceed the prescribed budget. However, it needs a high commitment when the budget is set. Do not let the budget stay just a budget and you keep spending more than your budget because it is not committed enough to your desire and passion for shopping for consumptive items. With the budget, you can achieve your financial goals.

# 4 Saving

Separate your salary or your opinion in savings. However, be wise in having the type of account you set up to save for a low administrative fee or your deposit. Better to save than your money is used to pay credit card bills especially for consumer goods outside your monthly budget.

# 5 Avoid Owe

If you commit to a life that is financially free, avoid the habit of owing. With your debt, your dream will be undermined by it and of course, there is a concern that you will experience because it always reminded of your outstanding debt. Live peacefully without debt. But in circumstances that are not possible, when you owe, try to immediately pay it off.

# 6 Provide Emergency Funds

We do not know the future and what will happen to the business or the place we make money. Allocate funds for emergency matters, keep these funds sufficient for a minimum of 3 months. Create a separate account for this emergency fund and you should only use it when times are critical, for example, you get laid off or a disaster that makes you unable to work.

# 7 There is no End to Learning

Life is a learning. Keep learning new things that can add insight and knowledge especially in financial terms. It can inspire you, about what you need to do with the money you have and how to supplement additional income for you. You can continue to study every financial topic so you can get smarter in managing finances. If you want to be an investor to double your money, learn how and where to invest your money.

# 8 Make a Financial Goal

Only with a clear financial plan then you can recognize your best ability. The financial plan is also beneficial to keep you motivated to live and live your life according to what you dream of.

# 9 Network Marketing

You can start with network marketing to train your business skills and base your steps to move from ordinary employees to big entrepreneurs. Network marketing is one way to achieve financial freedom. Network marketing will continue to provide you income even if you are sleeping or traveling the world.

# 10 Simplify Your Life

Simplify your life by thinking openly and removing obstacles in your mind. The key to financial freedom is that it's easy to convert your fixed income into passive income or portfolio revenue. With this principle, you will be easy to achieve financial freedom.

Prepare your Financial Freedom

If you want to have financial freedom, then you have to prepare it from the beginning. Good preparation will produce good results as well. Do not regret it later!


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