How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

Have you ever felt nervous when asked to deliver a presentation? Even after practicing and preparing, the nervousness continued to seep?

The nervous feeling is actually natural because you feel afraid of making mistakes. However, it would be unnatural if the feeling always arises if you have done enough presentations.

There seems to be something you have not done or done to make the presentation go smoothly.

If the presentation determines your future career in the office, surely you should prepare the presentation steadily, is not it?

# 1 Get started with Confident

How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

Worries and anxiety during the presentation are actually the fruits of poor preparation.

Fear arises when we feel something is missing from our preparation.

The first step to do is prepare the material to be delivered. Learn all the things you need to say during the presentation later.

It is a good idea to make an outline of the discussion that you will submit.

From that outline, you can draw other support points. This is done to facilitate you so that the discussion is not too widened or even too narrow in the discussion.
In addition, this outline will still direct you to the topic of discussion globally (core discussion).

Understand the presentation materials with a steady order during the question session, you can answer each question according to the topic of your submission.

You also need to realize that there are times when the questioner will ask a question outside the realm of discussion.

With a solid mastery of material, you can direct the pen to the main discussion of your presentation.

The requirement of this preparation is an absolute requirement for those who will make presentations in front of many people.

In addition to the preparation of materials, it helps you also prepare the equipment that you will use such as, laptops, presentation files, supporting materials, laser pointers, wireless mic, remote clicker and even drinking water.

Check your presentation files so they can be displayed clearly on the LCD screen.

Make sure your laptop charger is always in the bag to overcome running out of battery.

Do not let your presentation fall apart just because your presentation support equipment is missing or not working properly.

In addition to the information, nervousness or nervousness will arise when this first preparation is not done well or something is forgotten.

# 2 Organize your Breath

How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

If the first step you make sure is steady, it's time for the present day to arrive.

When you are about to step onto the podium, of course, an unexpected groggy feeling suddenly comes.

No need to worry if the condition is approaching. Try to take a deep breath through your nose and then gently back through your nose.

Do this for 5-6 times just before you get on the podium.

By doing this breathing, you will feel calmer, the flow of oxygen will flow smoothly into your brain so you can think clearly.

# 3 High Power Poses

How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

When the day of the presentation arrives, you are advised to arrive early before the presentation or meeting event begins. Perform various checks of the equipment you will use during the presentation.

When each presentation support tool is properly prepared, you still have time to calm the mind.

Do High Power Poses while sitting.

Simply put, High Power Poses is a position where your body will show confidence and confidence.

Sit tight with a look of confidence and a smile. Sit with the back position attached to the back with a more open hand.

It may look funny and trivial, but this step can support your confidence and become one way of overcoming the nervous feeling.

A study conducted by Amy Cuddy, Associated professor of Harvard Business School states that the attitude of the body when sitting or standing can change the feelings that exist within us.

Do this High Power Poses for 2 minutes and feels the difference. Your nervous and groggy feel will decrease.

FYI, this technique is believed to increase endorphins by 2% and a decrease in cortisol called stress hormones by about 25%.

Increase your confidence by doing body position in High Power Poses.

# 4 Focus on Presentation

How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

As the presentation progresses, there are occasions of external interruptions such as projectors that suddenly do not work or there is one of the attendees who accidentally dropped a glass of water so as to make your concentration dispersed.

In the event of a situation, you are advised to stay calm and focus on your presentation. This is not your fault! Stay focused on the presentation material you are delivering.

You understand who you are. If it is necessary to bring a piece of paper with important points, it is a good idea to take it with you.

This can make it easier for you to "cheat" important points that need to be submitted to avoid being missed.

# 5 Maximize Body Language

How To Be Confident During Work Presentation

Use proper body language to overcome your nervousness during the presentation.

The audience will also pay attention to the body language that we use.

Every movement we use to describe material that turns out to help the audience better understand what you are saying.

Switch position but not too often. This is intended to make your mind more comfortable.


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