Financial Freedom Does Not Mean Rich and Debt Free

Financial Freedom Does Not Mean Rich and Debt Free

Many people say they want to be
rich and get financial freedom, but in fact getting rich and debt free may not necessarily be financially free. Strategies to get rich and strategies for achieving financial freedom are very different, so you need to manage your wealth appropriately to achieve financial freedom. Through this article, My finance will show that financial freedom does not mean rich and debt free, but ...

Financially Free, Past Rich

Financial Freedom Does Not Mean Rich and Debt Free
Have you seen rich people who continue to work hard in order to preserve their wealth? It happens because he has not achieved financial freedom. Being financially free is easier than getting rich, so it's best to target financially free first before pursuing wealth. To gain financial freedom, you can live a decent and sufficient and debt free, without the need to think about making money for the sake of living a luxury. Looking for $ 10,000 or even  $ 1,000,000. per month is certainly very different, isn't? What needs to be emphasized is that you do not have to be rich to be financially free. Believe it or not, a lot of rich people who have not achieved financial freedom. They did not create a system that allowed his company to make money without hard work, so they spent the rest of their lives working hard to defend the wealth.

People work hard to get rich and want their financial freedom, while financial freedom takes less time and effort than getting rich. Achieving financial freedom is actually simple, you only need to distinguish between rich and financial freedom first, then achieve new financial freedom to pursue wealth.

Debt Free Does not Mean Financially Free

Financial Freedom Does Not Mean Rich and Debt Free
If you've paid off the mortgage and car payments, you usually feel that you've achieved financial freedom. But it is not. On what basis are you financially free when you have not paid home insurance, car insurance, petrol costs, taxes, telecom expenses like mobile phones and home phones, food needs, clothing needs, electricity bills, water bills, internet, health bills, education your baby? There are still many more routine expenses that can not be mentioned one by one.

If you still rely on your wages to pay for this, then you can not be said to be financially free. But do not worry and just give up, there is still a way for you to get your goal is to become financially free. Financial freedom can only be achieved through one thing: PASSIVE REVENUES. What is passive income?

Passive income is an income outside your work that can support you. With sufficient passive income, you can be financially free for life even if you resign from your job.

Mentality Needed to Achieve Financial Freedom

The choice to be rich, debt free, or to be financially free is optional. Your mental will determine whether you want to gain financial freedom or get rich or just be debt-free. To form the right mental, you need to instill in yourself the exact definition of financial freedom so you will not misunderstand it with wealth or debt-free alone. Better to abolish your misconceptions about rich and debt free as financial freedom and get rid of the thought that you need to be rich and debt free in advance to become financially free.

All three are not the same and require different ways to achieve them. Emphasize that the key to financial freedom is not both, but only from passive income. The bottom line is that new financial freedom can be achieved if: your passive income every month is sufficient for your monthly expenses. Let's say your monthly expenditure is $ 10,000. then you are free financially if your passive income each month is $ 10,000 or more.

Diversified Income
Financial Freedom Does Not Mean Rich and Debt Free

Often you hear the investment choices and the many people who are confused should invest the money where. But very few people think about how to diversify their income. How to invest and pay off your debts, how to buy a car can guarantee your retirement? How to become financially free if there is not enough income every month? The key to financial freedom is not the investment, but income, exactly passive income.


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