5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

  5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

Based on data from the American Credit Card Association (ACCA) survey, there is an increase in credit card needs in American by 2016 at 1.18%.

Thus, it can be concluded that credit cards are increasingly popular and enthused community.

The high interest of the community is certainly encouraging the banks to continue to develop their credit card products with various varied features.

An example is an increasing variety of credit card promo at retail to gain points for travelers.

With a variety of credit card features, the community also benefited from the presence of a very many feature alternatives. In other words, you can choose a credit card that matches your buying behavior.

Well, for you millennial women, surely you already know that the buying behavior of women is different from men.

Women tend to shop for household needs, fashion products, beauty products, to treatments such as salon fees and skin care.

Then what kind of credit card is suitable for such buying behavior? Through the following article, My Finance will outline 5 key types of credit cards that are suitable for millennial women, ranging from types, examples, and benefits:

Types and Features of Credit Cards for Women Millennials

Before choosing a credit card feature, you must specify the requirements first. Because a change of needs also changes the type of credit card that suits you.

For example, if you are not married, of course, credit cards that provide profit in the form of shopping points in the supermarket is not an attractive offer.

Another case if you are married, monthly spending becomes a routine activity.

In other words, these supermarket shopping points become an interesting thing because of changing needs.

Well, what kinds and features are commonly used by millennial women? Let's look at the following:

# 1 Discounts

 5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

Which woman does not like to shop? Almost all women love to shop, although there are fond of shopping in supermarkets and there are fond of shopping for fashion products.

But in essence, all women will be able to take advantage of credit card features that often provide discounts and attractive offers on his favorite merchants.

# 2 Cashback Offer

 5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

Well, if this one hell men also would like. One feature that is often the attraction of credit cards is its cashback promo.

Cashback itself means cash that is returned when you make a transaction. The amount of cashback is varied and usually predetermined.

# 3 Reward Points

 5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

Do you often shop for household needs or personal needs? If so, then surely you've often heard the term reward points.

Yes, this one feature offers points that can be collected and can later be exchanged.

For example, converted into cashback or coupon shopping. Of course, it will be very useful if the frequency of transactions using credit cards is quite high.

# 4 Installment Program 0%
 5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

Again a credit card feature suitable for women who like to shop, the installment program 0%.

With the merchant's cooperation with credit card providers, you as a customer will benefit.

For example, when using an installment plan, you can repay without interest at all, aka 0% interest.

# 5 Airport Lounge

 5 Types of Credit Cards Suitable for Millenial Women

Do you often travel abroad? Or is your job sue for frequent off-duty service?

Then you can take advantage of airport lounge features that are often offered travel-based credit cards.

For example, you can choose a credit card that offers travel benefits, such as Citi PremierMiles And Standard Chartered Worldmiles

Credit Card Benefits for Millennial Women

It may take a long time to take advantage of the non-cash services offered by credit cards.

Many credit card benefits are sure to make transactions safer, easier and more practical.

Want to know what are the benefits of credit cards for millennial women? Check out the following points:

# 1 Promoting Practicality

When was the last time you shoved a bundle of money into a bag to buy things?

It has been a long time for non-cash transactions to be a solution to the practicality of transacting. And credit cards become one of the most popular non-cash deal tools.

You do not have to be afraid of robberies for carrying too much cash, and of course very practical because it can be used anytime and almost all over the world.

# 2 Presence of Attractive Promos

Another benefit of credit cards is that it can be used for transactions at various places such as supermarkets, retail, and others with offerings of discounts, 0% installments, or reward points, and other promos.

In contrast to cash and debit cards, credit cards generally offer more attractive promos for their users.

# 3 Easy to Use: Anytime, Anywhere

Credit cards are known for their ease of use both domestically and internationally and apply in almost all parts of the world.

For those of you who like to travel abroad, no need to bother to exchange cash.

With a credit card, you can use anywhere and the bank will automatically change the bill in the currency of the country of origin.

You can choose a credit card provider like Visa and MasterCard to be able to use it overseas.

# 4 Spending Recording

For those of you who are lazy to record finances and track where your money goes, credit cards can also be a solution.

With a very detailed monthly bill, you automatically get a well-structured monthly spending record.

# 5 Short Term Funding Assistance

In accordance with its characteristics, which allows you to shop at the beginning and payments later, credit cards are the same as short-term loan products.

You can use credit cards for short-term funding needs, for example for medical and business capital.

However, do not forget to measure your financial ability before doing so, because the credit card interest rate is large enough


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