Is Cancer Treatment Costs Covered By The Insurance?

 Is Cancer Treatment Costs Covered By The Insurance?

As we may already know, cancer is a very dreaded disease of many people. This disease not only kills slowly and painfully but also costs a lot for its treatment.

Therefore, usually, people will take insurance to bear the financial risks that can be caused by cancer. But is the entire cost of cancer treatment covered by insurance companies?

Cancer Affected Clients

This time I made because there is someone who asked me about the insurance coverage given to people with cancer.

Which in the end is known that the person has been diagnosed with cancer?

After chatting for some time, he confessed that he already had critical illness insurance.

The question is, whether his critical illness insurance can bear the entire cost of treatment of cancer?

Cost of Cancer Treatment

 Is Cancer Treatment Costs Covered By The Insurance?

When a person is exposed to cancer, the cost is not just the cost of hospitalization as usual, but there are also very large outpatient treatments such as chemotherapy and also drugs to drink that are also not cheap.

In fact, the cost of cancer treatment in the field will be greater than that written there, because it is influenced by the hospital where cancer patients are treated and also the drugs used, and the duration of treatment.

The better hospitals and medicines that are used usually the more expensive. And the longer the cancer treatment, the more costs will be incurred.

In fact, the cost of cancer treatment in the field will be greater than that written there, because dipengBiasanya people affected by cancer with a stage near the end of the stage or have end-stage, they are forced to quit their job.

So that it adds more cost for their life needs that can not be fulfilled from their income again.

Therefore, actual cancer does not only require medical expenses at the hospital, but the subsequent medical costs and living expenses must also be prepared to anticipate the possibilities that may occur.

Benefits of Insurance Associated With Cancer Pain

 Is Cancer Treatment Costs Covered By The Insurance?

It is ultimately insurance that will ease some of the burdens of costs that must be borne.

Why some? Is not it possible for all of them? In reality, no one can anticipate fully how much the cost of cancer.

Despite having a very large insurance, there is the possibility of expenses exceeding the sum insured. Therefore, I can only say partly.

Benefits of insurance related to cancer are two, namely the critical illness benefit and health benefits (hospital benefits). By the hospital where the cancer patients are treated and also the drugs used, and the duration of treatment.

The better hospitals and medicines that are used usually the more expensive. And the longer the cancer treatment, the more costs will be incurred.

The critical illness benefit is the insurance benefit that provides the lump sum at the time the insured is diagnosed with a critical illness in accordance with the requirements stated in the insurance policy.

The benefit of critical illness will only be issued once, regardless of the policy owned and any amount, when the insured is exposed to cancer, then the sum insured will be given in cash.

The cash can be used for any cost, either medical or living expenses. The sum of money for critical illness depends on the first time the customer takes the insurance.

And usually, customers who have been exposed to critical illness will not necessarily be accepted back insurance companies to take out insurance.

Unlike the case with critical illness insurance, health insurance benefits are benefits that are directly related to hospital care and are usually hospitalized.

In most insurance companies, health insurance also bears the cost of chemotherapy treatments. But health insurance coverage is not given in cash.

The benefits of health insurance are usually in the form of direct coverage.

By using a health card at the time of hospitalization or reimbursement system, the customer will first pay the cost of hospitalization and then make a claim to the insurance company.

The insurance company will only cover the medical expenses incurred in accordance with the existing receipt from the hospital or in accordance with the platform (limitation of protection).

If the customer has both cancer benefits, then both benefits can be claimed simultaneously to bear the cost of cancer in question.

If the customer only has critical illness insurance then will only get the sum assured in cash.

And if only health benefits, then the insurance will only bear the cost of treatment at the hospital that occurred.

The benefits may be sufficient for all costs or may be sufficient for part of the cost, depending on a number of sums of critical illness or health insurance benefits taken.

Therefore, it is very necessary to review or review the policy periodically to increase the insurance coverage that has been taken.

Insurance For Cancer Disease

 Is Cancer Treatment Costs Covered By The Insurance?

So, what insurance is suitable to protect against cancer? If I am asked so, I will give the answer of critical illness insurance.

Why is that? Because with the same insurance costs or with the same monthly premium money, critical illness insurance can provide a larger sum insured than health insurance.

Perhaps you wonder why critical illness insurance can give you larger sums of money than health insurance? Does it mean that health insurance is more expensive than critical illness insurance?

The answer is right, health insurance is more expensive than critical illness insurance because health insurance can protect not only critical illness but also other mild diseases that have a more frequent risk.

Therefore the cost is more expensive even though we rarely use it.

Insurance costs are closely related to risks if the risk of occurrence is greater or more frequent than the cost of insurance will be greater, and vice versa.

Therefore with the same premium, you will earn greater sums of critical illness.

The second reason I answer critical illness insurance is that it provides coverage in cash and is usually large.

Means that money can be used for various things. The money can be stored in savings to be levied, for living expenses and can also be used for alternative medicine.

Health insurance benefits cannot be used for alternative medicine. Health insurance can only be used for hospital admission.

Usually, critical diseases such as cancer, many recommendations for patients using alternative medicine is also not cheap cost.

Critical illness insurance money can also be used for that.


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